
"It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop." - Confucius

"To have another language is to possess a second soul." - "Владеть другим языком - это как иметь вторую душу."

суббота, 8 ноября 2014 г.

Mini Saga

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The mini-saga in class.

A mini-saga has exactly fifty words that can be used effectively in class in a variety of ways. A mini-saga should tell a story, it cannot describe a mood or some beautiful scenery only. This type of story has been popularized by Keeler. I tried it out in class and found that this type of story was great to use with children adult beginners and pre-intermediate students. The reason was that they enjoyed this type of story. First of all mini-sagas are relatively short, students rarely get tired of reading them. Mini-sagas may also be used for a lively discussion or for a variety of other interesting activities. The students can also write mini-sagas of their own. Fifty words of homework or composition will not tire them. At last the teacher may run a class or a school composition.
The following shows two alternative ways a story can be presented. It is not difficult to see which of them is easier to read for children as well as adults.

A story about a sailor.

There was once a sailor who thought that the earth was flat. He wanted to discover new continents. He sailed south. Then he sailed west. Next he sailed north. After many days at sea, he saw the land. “I have discovered a new continent!” But it was only his own village…

There was once a sailor
Who thought
That the earth was flat.
He wanted
To discover new continents.

He sailed south.
Then he sailed west.
Next he sailed north.

After many days at sea,
He saw the land.
“I have discovered a new continent!”

But it was only his own village…

A mini-saga is short enough to be divided into lines of varying length, containing either short sentences or parts of longer sentences.

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